Kindergarten Transition
Transition to School Statement
Starting school is a significant event in the life of children and their families. We know that strong relationships and information sharing between families, early childhood services and schools help support a child’s successful transition to school. Evidence suggests that children who have a positive start to school are likely to engage well and to experience ongoing academic and social success.
When your child first starts school in one of the support classes at Peakhurst Public School they may gradually transition over a number of days or weeks. Your child’s teacher will talk to you about this process and will give consideration to the best times and the duration of the process based on what is best for your child and all the students in your child’s class.
Your child is ready for school but is she/he ready to learn?
When your child starts school, they will experience a supportive, caring and engaging classroom environment. Your child’s class will be structured and predictable and in semester one there will be a substantial focus on the following:
● Learning classroom and whole school routines
● Group learning and social and developmental play
● Completing the Best Start assessment
● How to use a picture exchange system for communication
● Independent eating and personal hygiene
● Learning the Positive Behaviour for Learning expectations
● Following simple instructions
● Learning through intensive interaction
● Learning self- help and how to be independent
Year 7 Transition
The transition form Year 6 to Year 7 is a significant step in your child’s life. Year 6 students in the support unit at Peakhurst Public School will undergo a supportive orientation program that is designed to familiarise students with a high school or school for specific purpose setting and will include visits to Peakhurst High School support unit for all Year 6 students whether or not they will be enrolling there the following year.
School Reports
Reports for students, whose learning program is based on syllabus outcomes that are different from the age/stage of their peers, including life skills outcomes, will indicate achievement against a personalised learning program.
P – Personalised
In general, ‘personalised’ reports will be provided for students with moderate or severe levels of intellectual disability. In the support classes at Peakhurst Public School we report the student’s achievement using the following scale in Key Learning Areas through written comments:
P4 – Independent
The student can complete a task independently, without assistance. The student maintains the skill or knowledge over time. The student generalises the skill or knowledge to new settings, people or materials.
P3 – Frequent
The student relies on partial prompts to complete a task. The student can regularly perform the skill or demonstrate knowledge. The student uses the skills or knowledge in a variety of familiar settings and situations.
P2 – Occasional
The student understands information, concept and/or can perform skill. The student often relies on physical or verbal assistance when participating in a task. The student has begun to demonstrate the skills in selected, familiar settings
P1 – Beginning
The student has some exisitng prior knowledge and/or necessary pre-skills for the task. The student is beginning to participate in a task with maximum teacher assistance. The student uses skills and knowledge in a single setting.
Student Assessment
● Kindergarten Best Start assessment and supplementary information
● SENA 1 numeracy
● Phonological Awareness Skills Test (PAST)
● Dolch sight word
● Concepts about print
● Running records for reading levels
All students in the support classes at Peakhurst Public School work towards educational outcomes and content consistent with the NSW Standards Authority (NESA) K-6 syllabus documents. For most students with special education needs, additional accommodations and adjustments are negotiated to meet student learning needs. Most students with special education needs will meet curriculum requirements by participating fully in a broad array of learning experiences. The range of learning activities offered to students aims to challenge their thinking, development and independence.
Learning Areas
● English
● Mathematics
● History
● Geography
● Science and Technology
● Personal Development, Health and Personal Education (PDHPE)
● Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA)
● Community Access Programs