Peakhurst Public School Support Unit
Peakhurst Public School support unit offers educational programs for students with special learning needs from Kindergarten to Year 6 and operates under the policies and procedures of the NSW Department of Education.
We have high expectations for all our students and are proud to provide a learning environment that is inclusive, welcoming and academically rigorous; a learning environment where quality teaching and learning programs are delivered every day.
Peakhurst Public School support unit has enthusiastic, professional and committed staff who are able to provide expert, high quality individual teaching and learning programs for students. Our programs are based on the NSW Standards Authority (NESA) K-6 syllabus. We modify the content for our students and use adjustments to enable access to the K-6 curriculum and life skills programs.
Our aim is to prepare our students to lead rewarding and productive lives and to reach their full potential by the time they leave us for high school. We are very proud of our students and passionate about supporting them in their journey. We will work with you to ensure that your child is given every opportunity to grow into a young person who is happy, contented and confident.
Your child’s educational progress is a shared responsibility and we hope to work together with you to achieve the best possible learning outcomes for your child. We work within a team- based and case management model with NSW Department of Education personnel and providers in order to deliver an exceptional educational service to our students.