Peakhurst Public School

Promoting Effort and Excellence in a Caring Environment

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Future focused learning

Future-Focused Learning at Peakhurst Public School

Peakhurst Public School is a supportive, engaging and innovative learning community. We are committed to nurturing a love of life-long learning for all and we are committed to providing our students an opportunity to be challenged, empowered and have an opportunity to excel. The school’s vision for all our students is to encourage them to become flexible, informed learners; discerning, critical and creative thinkers; and compassionate, active global citizens who are equipped for a rapidly evolving world.

Future-focused learning at Peakhurst Public School prepares students across all curriculum areas and learning stages with skills and capabilities to thrive in a rapidly changing and interconnected world. It connects students and engages their sense of curiosity.

Our passionate teachers know and understand the needs and talents of their students. They are flexible and select from a range of effective teaching strategies to best prepare our students for their future across all learning environments.

Peakhurst’s ever-growing future-focused learning environments inspire students to be leaders of their own learning. Our students collaborate and use critical and creative thinking to solve complex problems and become mindful global citizens.

Future-focused learning at Peakhurst Public School is a multifaceted approach that incorporates, but is not limited to:

  • Dedicated cross-curricular S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) programs that develop students’ interests, capabilities and social innovation.

  • Flexible and alternative learning environments, which aim to support opportunities for students to learn independently and in small and large groups, and supports shared learning and teaching for students and teachers.
  • A commitment collaborative information and communications technology (ICT) program with the pledge to develop a one to one iPad and B.Y.O.D.D. practice for all our students so that they may be adept with ICT skills across a wide range of platforms, devices, equipment, apps and programs for their future learning lives.
  • Whole staff and targeted professional learning opportunities through various models of instructional leadership in future focus learning.
  • A commitment that by 2020, all staff will improve their capacity and confidence in the programming and implementation of future focused pedagogies. This may include: increasing student engagement and enhancing the learning environment through ICT; using multimodal technologies to create effective films and digital stories; enhancing the use of coding in the classroom; developing purposeful learning opportunities that encourage problem and concept based learning to develop Higher Order Thinking skills; and effectively using Critical & Creative Thinking within the classroom.