Frequently Asked Questions
What are the times during the day?
9:00am: Teacher supervision on playground (Bell rings at 9am)
9:20am: Morning Bell - line up with class in morning assembly area.
Morning session begins (2 hours)
School Gates are closed soon after by student leaders.
11:20am: Lunchtime - eating in classroom (10 mins) then 50 minutes play time.
12:20pm: End of lunchtime
Middle session begins (2 hours)
2:20pm: Afternoon tea/recess (20 minutes)
2:40pm: End of afternoon tea/recess
Afternoon session begins (45 mins)
3:15pm: School gates opens by student leaders
3:25pm: School finishes. Students dismissed from classrooms.
What do I do if my child is absent?
Any student that is absent must have a valid reason. Parents need to provide an explanation for the students’ absence. They may do this through the School eNews App (digital forms), calling or emailing the school, or a note upon returning to school. It is an expectation that students will be at school every day, unless there is a valid reason.
What do I do if my child arrives late/leaves early?
Any student that arrives after the class has entered the classroom in the morning needs a late note. The parent needs to go to the Office and inform the School Admin staff and a slip that is then given to the teacher. If a child needs to leave prior to 3:25pm then the parent needs to go to the School Office and complete a slip that is then given to the teacher. If you are aware of a late arrival/early leaving before the day please write a note to the teacher informing them of this change. Parents will still need to go to the Office to have an early leave slip completed.
What do I do of I am running late in the afternoon?
If you are running late please notify the Office by calling 9153-9157 before 3:20pm and they will let the teacher know. Please be aware that teachers have many commitments after school and are not able to stay with your child for very long. If you have not arrived within 10-15 minutes of your notified late arrival they will be taken down to the Office where they can be collected.
Who do I tell if we’ve moved house/changed phone number?
Having access to updated personal details for parents is critical in the event of an emergency or illnedd. Please inform the Office and your child’s teacher of the changes in writing so that your details are current. This includes work numbers if applicable.
How do I communicate with the class teacher?
Teachers are available to meet with parents in regards to any concerns or issues they may have with their child’s academic progress, social situations or changes in the family that may be affecting their learning. Teachers have commitments both before and after school and if you would like to make an appointment to speak to your child’s teacher please send a letter with your child with available times and the teacher will reply as soon as possible.
Please understand that teachers are not available to discuss your child walking into the classroom in the mornings or any time during class. If there is something urgent you need to inform them of please put it in writing for your child to give to the teacher upon first entering the classroom in the morning.
What ‘House’ is my child in?
All children in the school belong to one of the following sports houses. Each house has a colour.
- Waratah - Red
- Blue Gum - Blue
- Wattle - Yellow
All students participate in the Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals. The Swimming Carnival is only for students aged 8 and above. At each carnival points are awarded and the winners of each carnival are presented with a perpetual trophy at Presentation Day. Students are encouraged to wear their house colours as well as making banners and streamers.
Kindergarten students who have older siblings at Peakhurst P.S. will be placed into the same house as their older brother/sister. Parents will receive a note confirming their house prior to the first carnival via their child.
How can I help in the classroom?
Parent helpers are valued and encouraged in Kindergarten. Assisting with Literacy first thing in the morning is the primary way for parents to become involved. Each term, class teachers will send home an expression of interest form for parent volunteers to fill in the days they are available.
Before parents can begin they are required by the NSW Department of Education and Communities to complete Appendix 5 – Declaration for volunteers and non child related contractors and show 100 points of identification to the School Admin staff. These forms are available from the classroom teacher. Every person who works in the school must sign this form and it is kept in the School Office. Parents will also be required to sign a confidentiality form which stipulates what is required of a parent volunteer.
What can I do when it’s my child’s birthday?
Birthdays are a wonderful celebration and children love to share their special day with their classmates. It is not expected that students bring food in to share with other students, however we realise that some parents wish to send a cake/lolly bags in for the class. We would request that if this is the case you would send cupcakes or a small lolly bag for each student in your child’s class. Please speak to the classroom teacher prior to the day to organise a place for the cupcakes to be stored and to ensure there are no students with allergies who may be affected. Lolly bags will be handed out to the students as their leave the classroom at the end of the day so parents are able to decide what is appropriate for their child to eat.
What does my child need to bring to school?
At the beginning of the year each child is to provide to the classroom teacher the equipment set out on the Stationery List and class needs. All equipment will be kept by the teacher and distributed throughout the year. Students in Kindergarten DO NOT need a pencil case. If your child receives one leading up to starting school we suggest you keep it at home to be used for Homework.
In addition all children will need to bring their own library bag and a paint shirt. A long sleeved, elastic neck shirt is preferred to protect uniforms from paint and glue. Unfortunately at times paint can get on to uniforms and it is not easy to remove. Follow these directions for the best outcome...
- Wash out with cold water.
- If paint has dried, soak garment overnight in cold soapy water and then hand wash in lukewarm water using sunlight soap.
- Do not use hot water, laundry detergents or stain removers. Do not machine wash.
Your child will need to bring their lunch in a lunchbox as well as a drink bottle filled with water for them to access during the day. Please make sure it is clearly labelled with your child’s name and that they know how to open and close it correctly.
All students partcipate in the Crunch’n’Sip program. Students are to bring a single small piece of fruit/vegetables to be eaten during the morning session. The class teacher will make the decision on the regular timing of this break.