Peakhurst Public School

Promoting Effort and Excellence in a Caring Environment

Telephone02 9153 9157

Kindergarten Ranger Jamie excursion


As part of our Term 2 Science Unit on Transport and Movement, Kindergarten will be participating in the Ranger Jamie Tour at Carrs Park where they will investigate and experiment with movement and force using pushing and pulling.

During the excursion, students will be involved in an interactive presentation where they’ll observe the movement of different objects. In this practical and interactive STEM-based program, students investigate the physical characteristics of objects and how they move such as bouncing, flying, jumping, rolling and sliding. They’ll have the chance to participate in a range of hands-on activities which demonstrate forces, and work together to develop solutions to challenges and identified needs – for example, applying scientific knowledge to build the best air rocket!

We will be asking for one parent helper per class to come along on the day and assist. If you are available, please indicate on the return slip and your name will go into the draw to join us on the day.